What is kickball? Learn 10 important rules and the correct playing technique!

What is kickball? 10 rules you should know

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Kickball is a recreational sport that is similar to baseball, friends, in today’s post we will give you detailed information about kickball, you stay with us till the last, bat and gloves are not required to play this game. This game is usually played at schools, parks and recreational places and is popular among children as well as adults. In this article we will discuss in detail the rules of kickball, its history and playing strategies.

History of Kickball

Kickball originated in the early 20th century. It was first developed in America as an easy game for school children. The game was inspired by baseball but it was made more simple so that even young children could play it easily. Gradually this game became popular in different age groups and today it is played all over the world.

Things required to play kickball

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The following things are required to play kickball:

  • Ball: Usually a light rubber ball is used.
  • Field: A field similar to baseball with bases attached.
  • Team: Each team can have 8-11 players.
  • Dress: Normal sports attire and shoes.

10 main rules of kickball

1. Team structure

Kickball usually has two teams. Each team can have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 11 players. The teams have to bat (kicking) and fielding in turns.

2. Objective of the game

The main objective of the game is to score as many runs as possible. Players run by kicking the ball and reach the base.

3. Pitching and Kicking

The ball is rolled by the pitcher and the batsman (kicker) has to kick it. The kicker has to kick the ball on the ground; if caught in the air, the player is out.

Kickball goal
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4. Ways of getting out

Players can get out in the following situations:

  • If their kicked ball is caught in the air by a fielder.
  • If a fielder catches the ball and touches the player before he reaches the base.
  • If a player is hit by the ball while running.

5. How are runs scored?

If a player crosses all the bases after kicking the ball and returns safely to the home base, he is awarded a run.

6. Innings and Scoring

  • The game usually consists of 5-7 innings.
  • In each inning, both teams bat and field.
  • The team with the highest number of runs at the end of the game is declared the winner.

7. Foul Ball Rules

If the ball goes out of the sideline or is kicked incorrectly, it is considered a foul ball. A player can take a maximum of two foul balls, after which he will be considered out.

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8. Base Running Rules

  • The player has to run straight in his lane during base running.
  • Colliding with another player can be considered out.
  • Overtaking is not allowed.

9. In case of a tie

If the score remains tied after the stipulated innings, extra innings are played until a winner is found.

10. Sportsmanship and Discipline

The game should be played with sportsmanship. Any kind of misbehavior or improper conduct can be penalized.

Game time and half time

The game time of kickball is usually 40 to 60 minutes, but it depends on the organizers and the rules of the tournament. The game is also scheduled on the basis of innings, usually 5 to 7 innings are played.

Half time is usually taken in the middle of the game, when half the innings are over. This break is of 5 to 10 minutes, so that the players can get some rest and they can be ready for the game ahead. In half time, teams can discuss their strategy and make necessary improvements.

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Strategies to play kickball

1. Adopt the right kicking technique

By kicking the ball correctly, players can score better runs. Try to keep the ball straight on the ground and run fast.

2. Focus on teamwork

Coordination is very important in this game. All the players of the team should remain in their respective places and support each other.

3. Learn running and dodging techniques

Run fast while base running and escape from the opposing team’s players. This reduces your chances of getting out.

4. Adopt defensive strategy

While fielding, plan to get the opposing team’s players out quickly. Positioning and coordination are very important.

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Benefits of playing kickball

1. Physical fitness

This game helps in keeping the body fit due to running, jumping and strategic movements.

2. Teamwork and coordination

Kickball is a team game, which increases the sense of coordination and cooperation among the players.

3. Entertainment and fun

Playing kickball is very fun and entertaining, especially with friends and family.


Friends, today you have learned that kickball is an easy, fun and physical activity-filled game, which can be played by both children and adults. Its rules are simple and it can be played in any open field. If you are looking for a sport that is as exciting as baseball but easier, kickball is the perfect choice for you. How did you like the information and have you ever played kickball? If yes, share your experience with us!

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